Week 2 report on the reading of chapter 3 (Critical Reading)
It is not new to discover that media plays a crucial part and it is to blame in all the misinformation there is around the world. It is true that they play a part in the rush to misinformation but it is also again, the responsibility of the person who consumes what media produces, It has to do with something that says that the person or the human being has the capacity to decide what the person will feed in their brain. It is the power of each being and the freedom to decide what to read and what to put in their brains. It is a fact that those who came to the game first and they learned the way things were going to be done and played, I mean those who in time became owners of the massive distribution of information. I always felt that they were not helping to form an opinion but it made sense to me that I was consuming their opinions and I started to go for what they think is better. There are places where the culture is very poor, so if you are going to play by the rules of "free worlds" first you have to educate what a free world, if you do not educate then you are not playing a "free world" but you are creating consumers of your own reality. How many things can you solve by teaching people how to recognize a fact, and inference, and an argument. It makes people less manipulative. The good point today is that the media does not belong to monopolies anymore. Independent journalists appear everywhere to report what it is truly happening and those who are losing power over the masses little by little are becoming more evident. I always had the idea that they were not helping people but manipulating people, according to this matter of study they may have done it unintentionally since it is part of the human nature to take part of something men think is better but it is not fair when few make that decision for others due to the lack of ability to give others the equal opportunities of access to the information in a way other may learn to know how to form an opinion. I learned to understand the purpose of a publication, I learned to identify the Topic of a publication, the Issue of a publication, and the conclusion of the writer of that publication. It was very useful to discover that when you inform, you report facts, when you infer, your inference is better if it is based on more facts that in the end is a great inference of a fact, I learned to be careful on basing my new knowledge on others opinions rather than facts. It is way better to pay close attention to the sources of the information in that way the information is beneficial rather than confusing. It is also important to use this kind of comprehension of a text when you study subject, then we can talk about paraphrasing, and then the information that belongs to someone else can become my own.
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